Saturday, May 5, 2018

My latest scribal adventures

Hello everyone! I've got another scribal project on my plate--two, actually, which is making me a very happy camper! One is a commission to promote period archery; once it's finished, we'll make about 100 copies of it to be handed out to SCA archers who use period equipment on the range. The other is a backlog award commission for a private client. His award was originally given in 1998, but for whatever reason, my client never received a scroll.

For the first scroll, I'm being paid in art supplies, which is a tasty currency indeed, and for the second, I'm bartering labor for labor and receiving some lovely soapstone-cast pewter tokens, the soapstone mold hand-carved. I'll be using the tokens as thank-yous and encouragements to hand out to people who do things that impress me... which is a great excuse to get myself to more events, really. I've been wanting to do that anyway, so this is good incentive.

I haven't started the second commission yet, and won't before the first one is completed. I like to only have one piece on my desk at a time, if at all possible. But I've got about fifteen pictures waiting for you, assuming my phone lets me upload them today, and lots of educational text. I am going to break them up into several smaller posts so I don't drive my readers nuts, and the ones for this commission are all going to be placed under the tag "archery scroll 2018" if you want to see all the posts together.

Without further ado, here is Day 1: test driving pen work filigree around some capital letters. I'm just using pencil here (and testing my crow quill with some purple paint). The actual letters will be much smaller.

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