Sunday, December 9, 2018

Chapter 9

Slow but steady may not win the race, but it will at least finish it.

The novel I'm working on, tentatively titled The Pilgrimage (and more affectionately known as the NIP for Novel-In-Progress) is up to Chapter 9 now, and I'm pretty happy with how it's coming together. Special appreciation has to go to my group of readers and cheerleaders for offering me constant feedback and encouragement. Thank you!

For those of you who follow me on Tumblr, with the fiasco they're enacting over there, I've gone ahead and made a Pillowfort account. I only have two posts there at the moment, but I'm hoping to update that more frequently, once PF is able to better manage the sudden flood of new traffic that they're receiving.

If anyone feels so moved, please feel free to "buy me a coffee" by visiting the link! The tips are a nice nonverbal way to show your support, if you'd rather not leave comments or chat with me. But of course, there's never any obligation. It's a tip jar, not a shakedown!

In other news, the Lafayette Chamber Singers will be performing our holiday concert today, and I'm pretty excited. A lot of challenging pieces and a lot of effort went into putting this concert together, and I think it's going to sound really cool.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

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