Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Testing, dropping, picking up

Hello all! Let me explain the post title: 

I'm testing a new app to be able to blog from my phone. Sadly, Google's official blogging app is absolutely useless and they've barely updated it in two years. I expected better, but luckily there are third party apps that people have put actual effort into making work with the Blogger platform. You can still expect lots of typos whenever I'm on my phone, but that's not the app's fault. 

I'm dropping my novel for the time being. I've gotten stalled out at Chapter 16, where it feels like the plot is only finally just beginning. I got hit over the head with another fic idea, and decided to work on that instead, because it was more rewarding. I do hope to return to the novel again this year (hopefully), but for now, well... until I can figure out a plot I'm kinda stuck. 

And finally, I'm picking up on calligraphy again. I've been asked to do four or five new scrolls for people who never received one, some going back as far as the 90s or perhaps even earlier. They're all going to be pretty ambitious, stylistically speaking. I am posting from my phone at the moment and don't have source photos, but I'll be working on two scrolls in the style of the Sforza Black Hours. Another will be written in Irish Gaelic and decorated in a very fancy version of the Mac Durnan Gospels, a 10th century Irish manuscript from Armagh. There is one still on my list whose style is undetermined, because I have to talk to the client to see what she prefers; then the final scroll will be done in the manner of the Eadwine Psalter. 

As I said, I don't have source photos right now, but you can Google any of those manuscript names and get some images to give your an idea of what I'll be up against! I start mockups on the Irish one today.

And all that is in between painting heraldic banners (which I've neglected all winter) and preparing music for the Lafayette Chamber Singers' May concert, featuring all Canadian composers. Busy is better than bored, but even so! This is a lot to have suddenly land in my lap.

Hope you all are well! 


  1. I am excited to think about all the lovely work from your hands which will be appearing soon. More pretties are always good!

    Also very curious about the success of the app you are testing. I have an EXTREEMLY neglected Blogger site of my own which could use some love... Please let us know how it goes!

    1. It's called Blogger Pro Free. It is *not* the official app from Google, that one is literally the worst. This one is rated something like 4.2 stars compared to Google's 3.7. I haven't tried to upload photos with it yet, but it already looks like it will actually do the job rather than crashing every time (EVERY TIME).
